Monday, September 12, 2005

That really takes the cake

I have not one, but two cake stories involving stupid customers today.

The first one was a customer who pulled up in drive-thru, where, God only knows why, we have a poster for Blizzard cakes. And then the guy asks, "The Blizzard that ice cream?"

Yes, dumbass. They're ice cream. Just like all of our other cakes. We are, after all, famous for our ice cream. The place is called Dairy Queen for a reason. If you've ever been to one, you know that Blizzards are ice cream. So it makes sense, does it not, that something called a Blizzard cake, from a place that primarily sells ice cream, would be made of ice cream? Possibly even with a Blizzard in it?! OH MY GOD! NO WAY!


The second story is even funnier: this couple comes through drive-thru. They don't stop at the speaker, just pull around. And when they get to the window, they hold out this ice cream cake in a box, and say that they're not satisfied with it and they want their money back. Even aside from the fact that only a complete moron would try to hand you an ice cream cake (which you have to purchase inside) through the drive-thru, it was not a Dairy Queen cake! Yes! It's true! These people, who somehow managed to survive on this earth for at least forty or fifty years, judging from their haggard (not to mention slovenly) appearance, brought us a cake that was definitely not purchased at Dairy Queen. ANY Dairy Queen. For one thing, we don't sell cakes that small. Also, the box clearly said "Uncle Harry's...since 1897." As far as I know, there is no Uncle Harry associated with Dairy Queen. And we don't use price stickers. Only a grocery store or someplace similar would have a price-tagging machine. And Dairy Queen is not nearly that old.

The lady insisted they had bought the cake at Dairy Queen. It took several reassurances both from me and the girl on drive-thru to make a dent in her certainty. Then she demanded to see one of our ice cream cakes, so I went to the freezer and took one out. I showed it to her (in its completely different box with the detachable piece of paperboard where the price goes, that very clearly says Dairy Queen, and NOT Uncle Harry's). That finally convinced her, and they drove off, while my coworker and I did our best to stifle our giggles until they were out of earshot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious. You work in a drive through at Dairy Queen and talk crap about others? You are at the bottom of the food chain. Kind of like an ant next to my shoe that I could stomp on just for the hell of it.


2:17 AM  

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